Звезду сериала «Тайны Смолвиля» Эллисон Мэк арестовали по обвинению в сексуальном рабстве

Actress Allison Mack is known for the sci-Fi series about the youth of Superman “Smallville”, but as found by law enforcement — not only… 35-year-old star appeared in court charged with recruiting sex slaves.

Звезду сериала «Тайны Смолвиля» Эллисон Мэк арестовали по обвинению в сексуальном рабстве

It turned out that Allison Mack has taken an active part in the recruitment of women, being assistant to Keith Raniere, the founder of the organization NXIVM, who was detained in late March in Mexico. Hiding behind the institution that helped women to achieve success through personal growth, Ranger with their activists were recruiting women for sexual and labour slavery. But the role of the actress was not easy. She was head of a subsidiary group, called Dominus Obsequious Sororium — masters over slaves.

The recruitment of girls worked at the pyramid scheme. The IEC has urged women to recruit others, “which in turn was to serve not only their masters, but masters over them”. On top of the pyramid stood a 57-year-old Ranger, which, incidentally, was the only male in the cult. Of course, he reaped all the fruits he could, using his position.

Ranger acquired sexual partners. There were about 15-20. They are constantly changing, and to discuss their relations with the head of the pyramid they were forbidden the same as to have a relationship apart from him. The rules established by the founder of the sect, women and girls had to perform flawlessly. To ensure the obedience of slaves, members of “secret societies” made a Deposit in the form of photos in the Nude have rights to the assets, as well as dirt on friends or relatives.

The founder of the sect was, and preferences in women. He liked lean, which forced their “mistresses” to sit on a low calorie diet. For performing the “requirements” Chapter following Allison Mack. The actress was so carried away with their position and activities, even suggested to brand of the participants, and to burn into their skin with their initials and Raniera.

“Under the guise of empowering women Allison Mack women were forced to starve if they did not conform to the sexual ideal of her co-defendant. Its aim was to vulnerable women, said Prosecutor Moira Kim Penza at the hearing in Federal court in Brooklyn on Friday night.”

The same evening the judge ordered that Allison Mack was further detained. The hearing itself in the case will resume on Monday. If Mack and Ranger are found guilty, they face at least 15 years of imprisonment.

Together with Allison Mack blamed her colleague on the series Kristin Kreuk. The second immediately commented on the news. In his Twitter, the star spoke about her involvement in the organization and its activities. “When I was 23, I went to the “Nexium” and began to study the program for management success. This course helped me to deal with shyness and contributed to my personal growth, so I continued learning. I left the organization about five years ago and very little contact with those who were there.”

“The charges that I supposedly participated in the recruitment of women into sex slaves, be a blatant lie. I’ve never been involved in unlawful or nefarious activities. I want to thank all the women who shared their stories and helped expose the organization. I was very upset and confused about what was connected with the “Nexium”. I hope that as a result of the investigation, justice will prevail,” wrote the celebrity.