SashaTanya TV series star Valentina Rubtsova spoke about her relationship with Andrey Gaidulyan 10 years.

SashaTanya TV series star Valentina Rubtsova spoke about her relationship with Andrei Gaidulyan On May 15, the TV channel TNT started showing the new season of the TV series SashaTanya, which will turn 10 this year. And in honor of this, theater and film actress Valentina Rubtsova spoke about her relationship with her screen husband Andrei Gaidulyan.

SashaTanya TV series star Valentina Rubtsova spoke about her relationship with Andrey Gaidulyan

During In an exclusive conversation with Gazeta.Ru, the artist revealed some interesting details of their joint filming. Valentina admitted that she was very lucky to work and be friends with Andrei. Fate brought the actors together on the site of the series “SashaTanya”, where they embody the image of a married couple. However, according to Rubtsova, their connection goes beyond simple friendly communication.

SashaTanya TV series star Valentina Rubtsova spoke about her relationship with Andrei Gaidulyan

They have very busy schedule and they work six days a week for 12-14 hours. But, according to Rubtsova, together with Gaidulyan, this time flies by unnoticed. The actor always supports both her and the entire team of the series.

Valentina also said that a colleague comes to her performances in the theater. Not so long ago, Rubtsova was involved in one of the performances of the famous Russian Song Theater, and Andrei visited the production with his wife Alexandra Veleskevich. By the way, recently she has also been involved in the series, where she plays the role of teacher Alyosha (the son of Sasha and Tanya).

SashaTanya TV series star Valentina Rubtsova spoke about her relationship with Andrei Gaidulyan
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