Звезду «Сладкой жизни» осудили за связь с иностранцем Maria Shumakova went on a date with a football fan from Argentina. The star of “the Sweet life”, in contrast to its subscribers, does not see anything wrong in a relationship with a foreigner. And believe the world Cup is a great opportunity for you to explore.
Звезду «Сладкой жизни» осудили за связь с иностранцем

To meet foreign fans during the world Cup dream is not only ordinary girls, but the stars. So, the actress Maria Shumakova recently went on a date with Argentinian Paolo, which caused an uproar among its subscribers, who accused star of the series “Sweet life” of being unpatriotic.

The girl admitted that normally refers to the communication with foreign men, and did not expect such a reaction.

“I was on a date with Argentinian Paolo. The date went nice, good guy with a good sense of humor. Never fall in love with foreigners, so a date pretty quickly turned into a very friendly manner. But here’s what surprised me. Even after a post where I ask me to go on a date with Argentina or not, in private messages poured in a ton of angry messages from the Russian lads, say what I am not Patriotic! After that, I learned that the radical society for men in Moscow, women with green paint pours for a romantic communication with foreigners,” shared Maria.

Mary herself believes that to love each person needs to start solely on personal desires. 29-year-old actress wondered, why do most Russian women prefer foreigners?

However, this question for several weeks, excites the minds of Russians. For example, the journalist Yuri Dude explained why Russian girls are attracted to foreign fans. According to popular blogger, our countrywomen are looking for a better life and want to see more decent men than those who live with them in their hometown.

“The Russians have the right to have sex with whoever I want”: how to explain the attraction to foreign fans

“Favorite Russian man! What’s wrong with you? If girls are choosing not in favor of you, maybe it’s saying something and worth considering? Maybe you should be more attentive to Russian ladies and appreciate us more than before? I always felt, despite the deep love for their country, tied to the whole world at once, and therefore to share love, life on the “regional” signs, as a matter of narrow consciousness,” admitted Shumakova.