Звезда картины «Любовь и голуби» — актриса Нина Дорошина ушла из жизни
The actress refused from hospitalization the day before death.

Just an hour ago it was announced that 83-year-old Nina Doroshina died. The actress reportedly died because of heart problems and blood vessels. Shortly before her death she had a checkup at the clinic because of complaints of poor health. Last summer it became known that the beloved Nadi from the film “Love and doves” was paralyzed leg, which was also the result of circulatory problems.

Information about the death of Dorosini confirmed relatives of the artist. According to media reports, the first about the death of Nina Mikhailovna said her neighbor. The day before she called the team of physicians with complaints of chest pain. From hospitalization, the actress has refused. “I’m an adult, sick man. For many years, which of course is bad with heart. All right, all right, I’m alive, healthy, home,” — commented on his status yesterday Doroshina. The next morning it became known that Nina Mikhailovna did not.

Ludmila Ivanova: “Dahl never forget Nina Doroshina”

During his long career Doroshina has played in more than three dozen films, the most famous of them are: “family circumstances” and “Love and pigeons”. In addition, Nina is more than half his life served in the theater “Contemporary”. In 2004, the artist lost his wife, Vladimir et al, with whom he built a family life for over 20 years. About when will be organized the farewell with the artist will be announced later.