Звезда фильма «А зори здесь тихие» попал с переломами в больницу Andrey Martynov fell awkwardly. According to some reports, the man was taken to a medical facility. The doctors said that he will spend a few days in office to begin to knit bones.
Звезда фильма «А зори здесь тихие» попал с переломами в больницу

With 72-year-old actor Andrew Martynov had an accident. The star of the film “the dawns here are quiet” slipped in the street in front of their house. It is reported that the elderly artist was hospitalized in clinical hospital №15 with severe fractures of the forearm. As told acquaintances Martynov, he literally had a premonition that this could happen to him. “If only I somewhere not to die,” – said the movie star friends.

The doctors took pictures of fractures of the actor and the verdict: he has to stay in a medical facility. Due to old age bones not heal quickly. Besides, to take care of Martynov at home no one. His only son Alexander lives with his family abroad.

Presumably, Andrey Leonidovich was one of those who suffered from untimely cleaning of snow and ice this month. Due to the abundance of precipitation, and community services to cope with difficulty, and in some yards was formed meter drifts.

Recall that Martin didn’t leave creative activities. At the festival “Amur autumn” last year, Andrei Kostin were among the jury members. Then it was a long queue for autographs. The actor was remembered by the wider public for her role in the film “the dawns here are quiet”, where he also played Olga Ostroumova. Martynov turned into the foreman Vaskov. His character was loved by the audience, as well as acting praised by critics. Martynov became extremely popular in kinosite. And the painting “the dawns here are quiet” even won a prize at the Venice film festival and was nominated for the award “Oscar”.

Martynov now lives as a pensioner, not spoiled rich food and attention. With his wife Francisca Tun he was happily married for several years but then they divorced. It is known that the couple was unable to decide in which country to live in.

According to “Express newspaper”, after Andrey Leonidovich are discharged from hospital, he thinks that sue in the public service, serving his district.