Звезда фильма «Все будет хорошо!» узнал результат ДНК-теста предполагаемой дочери Mark Goronok was a famous actor in the mid-90s. At the peak of popularity he was beaten by bullies in the alley, after the fight he went into a coma, a month doctors fought for the life of a star. Today, the ex-girlfriend of artist Veronika Golubeva, who left him after the tragedy, said that gave birth to a daughter.
Звезда фильма «Все будет хорошо!» узнал результат ДНК-теста предполагаемой дочери

Former lovers mark Goronok and Veronica Golubev met in the Studio of the program “actually” with Dmitry Shepelev. The woman says that 12 years ago secretly gave birth to a daughter Masha from a famous actor. But didn’t tell him about it because he was in a coma after a street fight. Then Veronica decided to leave Mark, fearing that the beloved will remain disabled for life. Soon Golubev met another man who adopted her child.

In the beginning of the program Goronok and Golubev remembered how broke they were a couple. Mark said that for a long time could not believe that he threw the once-beloved and only girl.

“12 years, like… All gone, and I still shame, shame. I was waiting for you. Nervous system was affected, I really could remain cripple,” said Voronok.
Звезда фильма «Все будет хорошо!» узнал результат ДНК-теста предполагаемой дочери

Veronica tried to explain. The woman said that at age 19 she was confused, scared. Why not come to the hospital to see Mark.

“When I found out she was pregnant, he was afraid to go there. My friends said he was a vegetable, it’s a coma. But I also came because I found out that you’re expecting,” admitted Golubev. According to her, she was afraid to be alone with a child and a disabled husband. Also, the woman said that soon met another man who took her daughter Mary and made the baby themselves.

“What could he give me? A pregnant girl who was left alone,” said Veronica, referring to the Brand.
Звезда фильма «Все будет хорошо!» узнал результат ДНК-теста предполагаемой дочери

Experts Golubeva asked a number of questions, and then svyasnoy that she did Goranko during their relationship. Despite the fact that Veronica had said in the Studio of the talk show: it sure is mark the father of her daughter. The polygraph showed the opposite – a woman doubts his paternity.

Soon in the Studio programme the current actor’s wife Anna. The woman pounced on her accusing her of treason.

“He loved you! He waited, what are you going to empty bedpans. When I met him, he was in a terrible state. But I believe he has a future. Mark always said he wanted children, and I do not believe that could leave your child,” said Anna.

The woman told me that helped up forgotten actors, it also gave the Brand a long-awaited daughter. Anna explained why Veronica wants to prove that Goronok the father of her child.

“There material base, well-being. When he was at the bottom, it was necessary to nobody”, – says the woman.
Звезда фильма «Все будет хорошо!» узнал результат ДНК-теста предполагаемой дочери

Also in the Studio “actually,” came Mark’s mother. The woman said he was not against raising a daughter Veronica, if her son really will be the girl’s father. “I’m willing to take, if in fact it is proven. Mark, I beg you: no kids not throw it!” – asked the woman to son.

At the end of the program Dmitry Shepelev announced the results of the DNA test. Examination showed: mark Goronok is not the father of her daughter Veronica Maria Golubeva.