Звезда фильма «Ла-Ла Ленд» Эмма Стоун рассказала о своих психологических проблемах

Many of us know the feeling of fear to embarrass themselves in public. Know what it is and Hollywood star, five minutes to the Oscar-winning actress, Emma stone.

In conversation with journalists The Hollywood Reporter, 28-year-old actress admitted that she suffered from fear of publicity, shyness and still is experiencing a panic attack.

Emma says that this psychological problem haunting her from childhood, from the age of seven.

Some years the stone was visited by a specialist who did not help her cope with the problem. Then the girl herself realized that she is able to help. Emma signed up for acting classes, and at age 14 she insisted on moving to California.

“It hit me right in the classroom, and I persuaded my parents that I need to move to Los Angeles,” shared the actress. — This was madness, I know.”

However, this “treatment” Emma didn’t help. Instead of trying to get rid of panic attacks, the stone more in itself developed a sense of fear: with the advent of the first fame panic attacks only intensified. Now Emma cannot cope with them yourself, but it costs her much effort: “Before every interview, I have to sit alone for five minutes, breathe and tune, otherwise I will be very nervous.”