Звезда «Реальных пацанов» окрестила дочку
A year-old heiress Zoe Berber have new parents.

Zoya Berber with my daughter Nadia

Photo: @zberberr Instagram zoey Berber

Zoya Berber on the eve of her husband Alexander was christened daughter. The star of “Real boys” told about an important event in social networks. Godparents of two years of Hope became a close friend Zoe Natalia and Vladimir Selivanov, a colleague actress for the TV series. “Now family, now with us!” commented Berber appearance in daughter’s spiritual parents. Zoe from birth shows Hope to the public. Even in this day of celebration of Berber has not made an exception.

Last month Zoe was busy working in the project “Sports moment” where she tries to sports and shares his impressions. The programme is filmed with the support channel Moskva24. This autumn Berber also have been filming the next season of “Real boys”. The scenario the heroine Zoe is pregnant for the second time, so most of the filming, she worked with overlaid belly. In real life, Zoe is not yet ready to become a mother for the second time.

“Of course, being a mom — a great happiness, incomparable with anything else. However, to focus only on the role of mother I would not like. Immediately after the birth of my daughter, I began to receive new proposals. And now, when I again became quite popular in the profession, I would not want to take another break, albeit associated with a happy event like the birth of a child. All I need now is more work!” — recently confessed Zoya.