Звезда «Ранеток» призналась, что осознала свою сексуальность лишь к 30 годам Yelena Tretyakov was one of the members of a popular women’s team. In the group she portrayed a Tomboy. Over the years the girl has changed. She lost a lot of weight, active in sports and communicates with fans on Instagram.
Звезда «Ранеток» призналась, что осознала свою сексуальность лишь к 30 годам

In December of this year, the former “Ranetki” Lena Tretyakova will be 30 years old. The girl was the bass player in the legendary women’s team. The musical group appeared on 10 August 2005, and June 1, 2013 took place the last concert “Ranetok.”

After the breakup of the band, besides the music, Lena for several years engaged in Kundalini yoga. Tretyakov told “StarHit” that the disease made her more attentive to their health. A few years ago, she sharply jumped up pressure. “Under 160, I found out that hypertensive crisis”. Lena turned to her sister, who for many years engaged in alternative medicine. “The first thing she said to me, “yoga”. Four months of daily sessions, I not only lost 10 kg, but forgot about the problems with the pressure,” – said Tretyakov.

Lena periodically publishes in Instagram their thoughts, communicate with fans, writes about losing weight and harmony of body and soul. Thirty-year anniversary, in her confession, she waits impatiently.

“Understand one simple thing. After 27 years began to feel more free, more relaxed, after 28 and after 29 start wildly high. Yes, the face is a little not the time to recover after a stormy night required more, and the bags under your eyes sell you out, but on the opinion of society and the ridiculous standards didn’t care. You have more freedom, you know who you are and where you’re going, who you need next, and with whom you can say goodbye. Your sexuality goes to a completely different level, you know more, feel brighter, often choose themselves rather than others. You’re not ashamed to say that you’re in the eternal flow of work, do not be ashamed to refuse appointments because your time for yourself has become more valuable than dozens. And yet, so forgive me my lovely diva’s Instagram. You understand that true beauty is so far from the looks, that is truly sad that in this world of perfect bodies and individuals, negligible beautiful shower. And you have these rare souls can see in the distance. In General, tridtsatka, I’m waiting for you. I think we’ll get along. Of course, if you don’t bombanet me midlife crisis” – shared Lena with the fans.

It should be noted that Tretyakov periodically meets with other members of the women’s team. The girl has kept good relations with Eugene Cucumbers, Leroy Gantry and Anne of Baidauletova. “Ranetki” 10 years later: a failed marriage, illness and techniques of psychics