Звезда «Анатомии страсти» похудела на 25 килограммов
Katherine Heigl showed postroynevshaya figure.

Звезда «Анатомии страсти» похудела на 25 килограммов

Katherine Heigl


Katherine Heigl thinks
has every reason to be proud. Because this year she not only brought her figure in
almost perfect shape, while raising three children but still managed
to change the attitude.

The star of “grey’s Anatomy”,
which in December last year gave birth to her first biological
baby — son Joshua — had
to encounter a completely unexpected problem. The fact is that during the pregnancy she
gained about 25 pounds. “I
was pretty sure, like my mother I will recover significantly less pounds by 10-12. But things
not so. After the first four months I realized that out of all
charts and decided to deal with it. I decided to respect your body and its
needs…” — said 38-year-old Catherine. Nevertheless, as honestly Heigl,
she was a little scared: “from time to Time to my mind came a frightening
the idea that I might not be able to lose weight after childbirth!”

Katherine Heigl


“We’ve all heard stories about
young mothers, which somehow managed in two weeks after giving birth
to get into their very tight jeans. This was clearly not my case. The first 13 pounds gone relatively
quickly. But the rest I could not handle…” — told the actress.

Although she sat on a diet and
at least three times a week, worked in the gym, it didn’t help much. “But
then I got involved in the “affermazione”, which every morning were spoken in front of a mirror. I repeated: “I am grateful
my body for how strong it was, young and beautiful!” And, imagine,
as soon as I sincerely believe I have all started to happen!” — admitted Heigl.

Recall that in addition to his son
Joshua, whose appearance on the light brought the actress her weight problems, Heigl
has two adopted daughters. Young Korean girl Give she adopted in 2009, and her younger sister Adelaide in 2015.