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Pregnant Anastasia Tregubova created the category “Gymnastics for pregnant women”.

Anastasia Tregubova

Photo: Press service

Already in
the beginning of 2018 the host of “Good morning” on the First channel of Anastasia Tregubova
will become a mother for the third time, but despite the last trimester of pregnancy,
decree she is in no hurry to leave. Now she’s not just involved in the traditional rubrics
the program conducts its own called “Gymnastics for pregnant women”. Tregubova
teaches the mothers to do the right exercises. Each air Tregubova
begins with the words: “…if the doctor forbids physical activity”.

“We are preparing for a
medical management and professional instructors who work with
pregnant, and all of our exercises are aimed to help women
to prepare for childbirth and motherhood — says TV presenter. — Pregnancy
everyone is different, and I’m like five minutes large mommy know
there are times when sports and any physical activity is prohibited. It
so I release say that for us to repeat the exercises you can
all who allowed the doctor. The basic rules of the classes in the third trimester
pregnancy is the use of such equipment, fitball and weights to one
kg. For example, this exercise will strengthen the back muscles, arms and legs, as well as
develop flexibility and prepare the body for childbirth. Sit on the ball, feet shoulder width
shoulders. In hands take dumbbells and bend your arms at the elbows. Take a few
approaches on 10 times.”