Звезда «Дивергента» не появится в телеверсии фильма

Last summer we were told that the film company Lionsgate is seriously concerned about the fate of the franchise “Divergent”. As you know, the final fourth part of the film-antiutopii “Divergent, Chapter 4” should be out in cinemas in June 2017. But the premiere of the film on the big screen may not happen because of the competition that provide the movie blockbusters such as, for example, reboot of the Mummy.

Studio bosses at Lionsgate, it seems that the final part of the series “Divergent” is doomed to box office failure. To such conclusions they came to based on box office figures, which showed “Divergent, Chapter 3: Behind the wall”.

The first two films of the franchise, “Divergent” and “Divergent, Chapter 2: Insurgent” was a box office success, however, published in the spring of 2016 film “Divergent, Chapter 3: Behind the wall” such results are not achieved.

Producers fear the potential failure of the film, so decided to go the other way and make the premiere on the small screen .t.e on TV.

Roughly speaking, the creators decided to “merge” the final part, because they don’t want to try hard to ensure that she was decent and competitive.

Understanding is the main star of “Divergent” Shailene Woodley refused to take any part.

The position of an actress is simple: “No. I won’t be in the TV show”.

What do you think, do bosses final part of “Divergent” on the big screen?