Звезда «Зачарованных» обвинила продюсера в изнасиловании

43-year-old rose McGowan has admitted that she was raped by a famous Hollywood producer, when she starred in a sex scene.

A young and beautiful actress has faced at least with sexual harassment by the big bosses of the film industry. And someone even less fortunate, but to talk about it publicly are solved not all.

Marilyn Monroe was the first celebrity who decided to speak publicly about their experiences of violence. In 1953, she admitted that in foster care, grace McKee she was raped by a grown man when she was only nine years old. After her example was followed by many famous Actresses and singers.

For example, the star of “Desperate Housewives” Teri Hatcher in 2002 said that five to eight years raped her was her uncle. In 2014 Lady Gaga has admitted that at the age of 19 was raped by a forty-year music producer.

And Madonna only in 2015, decided to recount how in the first year of his life in new York, she was raped by an unknown man at the entrance of the house at knifepoint.

Recently became aware of another sad story in the life of the actress. The star of the show “Charmed” rose McGowan confessed in Twitter that some time ago was raped by a famous Hollywood producer.

Rose long kept secret that detail, mainly because the lawyer then told her that the thing she’ll never win at the head of the Studio, especially since it was filmed in explicit scenes. According to rose, about her history in Hollywood and knew many, but none denounced the rapist.

Today there are many ways to share the misery with others. For example, in the Russian-speaking Internet under the hashtag #anabolisant girls write stories about rape and sexual harassment that they had endured ever. Thus, they are trying to show that such things will not stand silent and does not feel shame for what I had experienced.

The analogue of a hashtag is in English – #WhyWomenDontReport (“Why women are silent”), which is also quite a lot of candid confessions about the violence.