Звезда «Спасателей Малибу» Дэвид Хассельхоф собрался жениться

63-year-old actor David Hasselhoff’s, star of the popular 90s TV series “Baywatch”, announced her engagement to 36-Lerna sweetheart Hayley Roberts.
The offer of marriage was not spontaneous. Lovers walked along the beach in Malibu (where else), when David got down on one knee and asked Hayley to be his wife.

“We both cried, it was such a touching moment. I didn’t even realize he was going to do it.. I was overwhelmed with emotions. At first I thought it was a joke. He had already told me this but as a joke. I realized that he was serious when David got the ring. I cried that ten minutes he calmed me down and could not repeat the question,” said Haley. The age difference is a woman is absolutely not confused, she wants to become David’s wife.
“I have always believed that we should not marry because they want to live with someone, but because to live without this person can not. I feel it to Haley. I realized that can’t be happy without her. I long deliberated, whether to offer her to be my wife only because he thought himself too old for her,” said the actor and added that he had not once asked her to marry, but did it sort of as a joke, but “this time it came from the heart”.
Recall that the couple met five years. Met David and Hailey in a bar in Cardiff, at her home. David Hasselhoff himself was then a member of the jury of Britain’s Got Talent.
Earlier, the actor was twice married. In marriage he had a daughter Hailey (what a coincidence) and Taylor-Ann.

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