Звезду «Фабрики звезд» Пьера Нарцисса обвинили в изнасиловании

In 2009, participant of the project “Factory of stars” Pierre Narcisse married to singer Valerie Kalachevo. The woman gave birth to artist from Cameroon daughter Carolina-Cristelo but happy life with the singer did not see.

Valeria was often admitted to the press that Narzies raised her hand. Unable to bear the humiliation, she decided to file for divorce and free yourself from this man.

Now in the assault Narcissa accused his mistress Marianne Suvorov.

The radio host said that when meeting a narcissist I had made a good impression because she decided on a novel. Nothing no signs of trouble until then, until the singer wrote Marianne a message stating that he wants to “punish her in black.” Anything negative at the time Suvorov was not thinking and did not know that the man who confesses his love for her capable of. atrocities. Leading went to the meeting. First pair just talked and then all hell broke loose: “I was Suddenly taken by the collar, by the hair. Threw it on the bed. Stripped clothes. It was all in a distorted version. I was beaten in the face. I was screaming and still wonder why at the reception no one heard. He was choking me and… well let’s medical terms, rectally raped. It’s a crazy pain, fear. I cried, asked him to stop”.

The actions of the narcissist wore that cruel violent that Suvorov lost consciousness.

I wonder what happened after Marianne refused to write a statement to the police.

Yet the wife of Pierre says that “raping he loves” and is often aggressive.

How to develop this story, we learn later.