Сын Валерия Меладзе и Альбины Джанабаевой придумывает изощренные способы обмана родителей
The famous singer Valery Meladze and former member of the group “VIA Gra” Albina dzhanabaeva has two sons, Constantine and Onions.

Сын Валерия Меладзе и Альбины Джанабаевой придумывает изощренные способы обмана родителей

The eldest son of the couple under the age of 13, and Luke a few days will celebrate the third anniversary.

The boys try not to disappoint their parents, and they, in turn, be paid to the heirs of all my free time and surround them with love. Parents do not scold Peter for poor grades, but he still tries to hide them.

Сын Валерия Меладзе и Альбины Джанабаевой придумывает изощренные способы обмана родителей

“If deuce painted over or torn out page to her, then on the eyes I better not get caught. This has happened more than once. It happens every time with special sophistication. Son, not wanting, apparently, to upset me, then erases bad grades, then carefully glues the pages of masks”, – said Albina.

Dzhanabaeva recognized that she was such a child, tried to disguise bad grades, so as not to upset parents.

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