Что сын Олега Табакова сказал о Владимире Машкове?
Anton responded to the replacement for his father.

A post shared by Vladimir Mashkov (@mashkov_actor) on Mar 12, 2018 at 11:54am PDT

It was announced yesterday the appointment of Vladimir Mashkov to the post of artistic Director of “Snuff”. For many the decision was not a surprise. At the same time, viewers had a question about whether Vladimir perform administrative functions. However, colleagues and members of the theater have no doubt in Maskova.

Anton Tabakov has managed to give words of support Mashkov. “I’m great attitude to the candidacy of Vladimir, think this is a good appointment, and if he had health and strength, he will bring his master to the bitter end” — quoted by Anton NSN.

Anton Tabakov


Mashkov, in turn, promises to try not to spoil what was created before him. To his duties he will start only on April 23, when will be 40 days since the death of the master. Curiously, Marina Zudina, widow Tabakov, was also pleased with the selection guide. “Volodya, the most worthy candidate. With this appointment, I internally calmed down. It is now the case of Oleg Pavlovicha will live on and I’m sure to develop… he has leadership qualities, directorial talent. And, more important, he likes people who can take care of those around…Hardly Volodya ever thought that he would lead the “Snuff box”. But when the time came, he made this really male thing, After all, to lead the theatre is a very big responsibility…,” says Zudin.