Сын Майкла Дугласа сделал тату-портреты отца и деда

Cameron Douglas has been in prison for 7 years, was released and the first case was brought Instagram to show off the images on his body.

And in the families of celebrities to an accident. So 8 years ago, the eldest son of Hollywood actor Michael Douglas 29-year-old Cameron was arrested for possession and sale of methamphetamine, and 30 years in jail.

Сын Майкла Дугласа сделал тату-портреты отца и деда
Сын Майкла Дугласа сделал тату-портреты отца и деда

Initially, Cameron was given a term of 5 years, two years of which he spent in solitary confinement. The famous father hoped that the son will release for good behavior, but he managed to sell drugs in prison, for which the term was extended for another two years!

So the other day Douglas Junior was released, then started “Instagram”, and then it all froze.

First, Cameron is back as handsome, beefy, exact copy of his father in his youth.

And secondly, the whole torso of a man decorated with tattoos, it is not surprising, if with the press of Cameron’s not looking at us the portraits of his famous father and grandfather actor Kirk Douglas!

So the guy decided to immortalize yourself with images of famous ancestors, to always remember who he is and what you can achieve.

Now Cameron is in a rehab center in new York, where he leads an active life and entertaining guests. It is possible that after completing the course of rehabilitation Douglas Junior is thinking about an acting career, because all external data.

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