The heir of the deceased 25 years ago, the musician has long dreamed of living in the Northern capital. This year Igor Talkov Jr. will take the stage of the St. Petersburg Palace of sports “Jubilee” concert in memory of his father. In this hall the audience the last time he had seen the statement Talkov senior.
Exactly 25 years ago on October 6 in the St. Petersburg Palace of sports “Jubilee” thundered the shots that shook the whole country, was killed Igor Talkov. This year at the same stage there will be the singer’s son Igor Talkov Jr., he will give a concert in memory of his father. As it turned out, in a short time the actor is planning to move to Saint Petersburg.
“Been talking about this since 2009, told the “StarHit” the godfather of singer Alexey Selivanov says, people in this town good, and it’s here the best catches inspiration. Igor because, like his father, not only a singer but also poet and composer.”
Four years ago in St. Petersburg at the concert talc Jr. met his love – Svetlana Zimin. She soon became pregnant and gave birth to Igor’s son Svyatoslav. “If Light moved to me to Moscow, I would come to St. Petersburg, but rarely – shared Igor with “StarHit”. – Thank God, she’s with me! Now my wife and Swatika live with mom, in her one-bedroom apartment in Medvedkovo.”
At the end of August this year in the Talc family happened replenishment – was born the second son of a musician, the boy was given the name Miroslav.
“Igor loves sons, says the family friend Vitaly Parshin. – He leads a healthy lifestyle and teaches the senior. In the yard teaching him to do push-UPS or shows the techniques of karate. Sometimes takes Svyatoslav in rehearsal, small likes banging on the drums. Junior Miroslav Igor tries to put her to bed, before going to sleep he reads a tale by Korney Chukovsky “Stolen sun”.
To move to Peter Talcove plan by December. “First time staying at my parents Svetlana and later rented a separate apartment, – shares with “StarHit” Igor magilen. – He also wants to rent the Studio for your group “Mirumir” will write songs to continue the work of the father.”