Сын Дианы Арбениной эффектно дебютировал на сцене
Six-year-old Artem has performed in front of a huge crowd of spectators.

Сын Дианы Арбениной эффектно дебютировал на сцене

Diana with her son Artem

In your birthday
Diana made an unusual surprise for the fans. Rock singer
came on the scene of festival “Invasion” in the company of her six-year-old son
Artem. However, the boy just came and stood in front of a crowd of thirty thousand,
and mom sang a duet one of her songs.

Diana with her son Artem

Rather it was the debut on the big stage. At first he was a bit shy, but thanks to the support of the audience and the mom was able to get up and perform the song “Shut up”. Statement of Diana with Artem touched the hearts of even the toughest of rockers. In the end, as befits a real artist, the son of Diana bowed, thanked fans for the warm reception and were rewarded with a bouquet of flowers from the audience. The daughter of rock singer, unfortunately, was not present at the triumph of her brother at the festival. In March I was sick and stayed home to be treated with the grandmother.

By the way, this isn’t the first time she takes him with her to “work”. Last year, the singer appeared in the company of their children-twins on the set of “Main stage”, a member of the jury which was. Many of prisutstvovavshih even then I noticed that the children of Diana is very calm and very naughty.

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