Сын азербайджанской певицы скончался от рака мозга Zohra Abdullayeva lost their only child. Famous singer tried to save the heir, but the medicine was powerless. Several years ago, the artist lost wife, who died from an accident.
Сын азербайджанской певицы скончался от рака мозга

This morning the family of Honored artist of Azerbaijan Zohra Abdullayeva, disaster struck – her son passed away. For some time he struggled with cancer – cancer of the brain. A year ago, the singer said that will not quit, despite the fact that her child is suffering from cancer. She admitted that are not ready to leave the stage as fans enjoy going to concerts, although her only desire was the health of the heir.

For the singer it was an only child. The words of the grieving mother lead in social networks.

“I escorted his only son on his last journey. My life is over. The son who filled my life, went to Paradise,” – said Abdullayev.
Сын азербайджанской певицы скончался от рака мозга

Zohra quite frankly talked about his family drama – as it turned out, her marital life was far from ideal. She got married at a fairly early age – 16 years. However, this marriage did not bring her happiness – the man dared to raise a hand to the artist and insulted. But at that time, Zohra forgive all the wrongs of the wife and remained with him not only because of the strong pressure of the tradition, but also because he loved.

“He was rich, we imagine or what is not denied, but he treated me very badly, didn’t even let me see their parents, especially that they would come to our house! It got to the point that I was just trembling when I heard his voice, but still could not imagine that can get away from him, as was brought up differently, I was always taught that the husband should be the one – if married, you must get out of this house feet first,” said Abdullayev in a television interview.

Over time, Abdullayev learned that her husband has a mistress. Zohra came to the conclusion that all men are not faithful to their chosen ones, despite their beauty and spiritual qualities.

“I find it difficult to tolerate the infidelity of their spouse, as each day when he came home, I knew he was with another. I was jealous of him, though it was a “hoot”. I suffered, believing that men have that right, but in the end it bothered me,” said the actress a few years ago in the ether one of the TV programs.

After 14 years of marriage her husband died – he was hit by a stone fence, and now, according to olke.az, actress lost and the son.