After her mother’s death Aya changed her attitude towards the world. The soloist of group “the City 312” rarely talks about his personal life. The loss of a loved person, she said only a few months later.
About the group “the City 312” talking after the team performed the song “Stay”, which became the soundtrack to the acclaimed film “Night watch”. Musicians have become wildly popular across the country and released one hit after another. However, about the personal life of the musicians prefer not to. The soloist Aya is very kind to his family and does not want to attract too much attention. Even heavy loss, which she had to endure this summer, she shared with the public only recently. As it turned out, the actress died the closest person – her mother. So far, the Traveler can not come to terms with a personal tragedy.
“The 15th anniversary of the team coincided with a difficult period for me because I lost my mother, and I was understanding all this. I changed my attitude towards the world and towards themselves and loved ones, and to all. So now I try to be inspired and to enjoy the simple things in life, that’s just any, because I am so over this year mentally tired, you can’t imagine…” – said the soloist of the group.
Some colleagues of AI group made no secret of his life offstage. They are happy to share photos of their children and families. However, the Traveler confessed that specifically keeps track of what information about her and her family POPs up in the Network. The soloist of group “the City 312” has told about the hard times
“Even if something appears, we remove everything. Within my family we have agreed that we don’t pull out nothing in the court of the people, said Aya. – We have our own very strong personality. Every man made his own career. While by itself, outside the “City 312″, something like”.
Many fans know singer under the pseudonym of AE, and some still call the actress Svetlana Nazarenko, although she said that now bears her husband’s name.
“So what do you me Second name – it would be right that Svetlana Nazarenko – it will still be correct. Especially on the passport I have different name. According to her husband. And for me, it is very convenient. During those 15 years I managed a family to make a minimum of information,” admitted the artist in conversation with journalists of the edition “”.