Солистка группы «Непара» впервые заговорила о дочери Victoria talyshinskaya told what her growing baby. The singer became a mother last fall. However, the singer was unable to sit without work. The artist gives concerts, but admits that touring at the time refused.

      The soloist of the duet “Nepara” Victoria talyshinskaya returned to Russia and began to perform on stage. Fans of the band wonder how she managed so quickly to go to work, because in October 2016, she gave birth to first child. Daughter Barbara was born in an American hospital. Talyshinskaya went abroad just before birth. According to the artist, so she wanted to extend the summer.

      The soloist of group “Nepara” for the first time became a mother

      “When Cooking was born, it was certainly scary, as we will be able to cope with all the subtleties in the care of the child, but we managed. With me was my husband Ivan and my mother Larisa,” admitted the actress.

      As told by the soloist of the popular band, their family long thought of the name of the child. Only after the arrival of baby light Victoria and her husband Ivan knew how to call a girl.

      “She was born exactly on the day of the birth of Vanya’s mom Barbara, in the past the ballerina, and the choice before us is no longer standing. Who knows, maybe it is her application for a future profession”, – shared talyshinskaya.

      Having returned to Russia, Victoria began to schedule performances. In December and January, fans have admired postroynevshaya artist during concerts. A young mother admitted that the pregnancy and birth of a daughter did not affect her lifestyle and work.

      “I can’t say that my life schedule as any different. Before leaving for Miami we recorded a new song, shot a video, we were in Moscow the concerts, I was in a couple of photo shoots, once we went to a concert in nice, so I before birth was quite active. However, now from the tour we temporarily abandoned, but Moscow is playing,” said Victoria in an interview Womanhit.

      Recall that talyshinskaya married to a restorer of paintings from the Tretyakov gallery. They had known each other for years, but only after the third meeting face to face and realized that it was fate. In 2015, the couple was secretly married, not wanting to draw attention to the solemn event. Many assume that Victoria gave birth abroad, as not wanted at the hospital there were reporters with cameras.