Солист группы «Artik&Asti» впервые стал отцом
Artem umrikhina son was born.

Photo: Instagram

The soloist of popular group “Artil&Asti” Artem Umrikhin for the first time became a father. His wife Ramina gave him a son, whom they decided to name Ethan. The boy was born just in time weighing 3700 g, height 53 cm Birth took place in one of the elite hospitals in Miami, where usually appear in children of Hollywood stars.

Artem and Ramin were married on 14 October this year in Las Vegas. The most attentive fans noticed that the wedding took place 8 months before the birth, so, apparently, Ramina married, already in position. But there is no “crime” because, according to the photos in the personal blog of a musician in Instagram, he proposed to his sweetheart September 2, 2016. The lovers were in Riga. During dinner in the restaurant Artem handed Ramine ring with a large diamond. She said, “Yes!”

And now, after a year and a month, he and Ramina accept congratulations with the new addition to the family. Interestingly, just a month ago they both were in Moscow and was at the opening of the new season of Comedy Club, and then immediately left for the United States, the baby was born there. According to the laws of the country, newborn Ethan is a United States citizen, that certainly is very useful for the boy in your life.