Солистка «Непары» вышла на сцену через месяц после родов Victoria talyshinskaya gave the first concert in Moscow. Fans of the singer called her performance fantastic, noting that vocalist is just ridiculous. For meeting with the Metropolitan public, the young mother crossed the ocean, arriving from Miami, where at the end of October came to light her daughter Barbara.

      The soloist of popular group “Nepara” Victoria talyshinskaya is definitely one of those stellar beauties who manage to successfully combine motherhood and self-realization.

      Just a month after giving birth, Victoria talyshinskaya could be the company to his partner in the project “Nepara” Alexander Shoua and went on stage one of the restaurants at the “Crocus city Hall”. For this speech in Moscow, the singer crossed the ocean. The past few months the star has been in Miami, preparing for childbirth, and then enjoying motherhood. The soloist of group “Nepara” for the first time became a mother

      “That’s got through the first after my return concert”, – said Victoria talyshinskaya by posting pictures in company with one of the musicians.

      Fans share their impressions on social networks, saying that he was fantastic, and they felt a frantic energy that came from the young girl’s mother Talishinskiy. Many say that despite the recent pregnancy and birth, the singer looks amazing and is in excellent shape.

      “Thanks for a great concert, Victoria! It is a pity that Alexander show ran Sprinter couldn’t catch,” wrote in microblogging one of the girls who visited the concert “Nepara” under the joint with the singer.

      Talyshinskaya and show pleased the audience with new songs and favorite hits: “Another family”, “God invented you”, “1000 dreams”, “Where have you been?”, “They know for a long time”, “Cry and see”.

      Recall that she first became a mother, 39-year-old singer said in a microblog on October 31. Victoria has shared the first picture of infant daughter, posting on his page on the footprint of a newborn baby. “Left leg Varvara” – succinctly said that in her life there was the most incredible event talyshinskaya.

      As you can see, Victoria chose to enjoy not only the happiness that gives contact with a small child, but also get the pleasure of speaking on stage in front of adoring creativity of group “Nepara” fans. Next, the team planned a speech in Tver and Moscow club “Siberia”.