Сестра девушки принца Гарри собрала на нее компромат Samantha Grant threatens to reveal the scandalous details of personal life of a star. Cousin Meghan Markle intends to destroy her relationship with the heir to the British throne. At the same time other people from an environment of the actress, on the contrary, refute Samantha.

      52-year-old half-sister of the star of the TV series “suits” Meghan Markle, new girlfriend of Prince Harry, recently made a loud statement. Samantha Grant, a former actress and model, claims that is preparing a sensational book which will reveal the world the truth about cousin. According to her, in fact Markle extremely calculating and selfish, who preferred the concern about people’s career and relationship with the heir to the British throne. “Maybe Megan will read my book and finally realizes his mistakes,” adds Grant.

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      Product women received the bright name “Diary of sister Princess upstart”. According to Samantha, Megan, from early childhood dreamed to in no way need to marry a Prince. Grant openly calls Markle a careerist, and also claims that she has a “thing for redheads”.

      “She is quite selfish. Megan callous heart. I can’t tolerate her lies and hypocrisy,” says Grant.

      In addition, Samantha argues that the more successful was Megan, the less she remembered half-sister. Grant accuses the star that she did not support her emotionally or financially. According to the former model, the information about this “destroy” relations Markle with the Prince. “The Royal family will be appalled at her behavior, very far from that as you should keep the choice of the heir to the British throne,” says Samantha.

      However, not all relatives of Meghan Markle share the point of view of her half-sister. So, for the actress stood the mother of Samantha, Roslyn. “Everything she says about Megan is a lie,” says the woman.

      Note that the 52-year-old Samantha Grant, a daughter of the father of the star of the series “Force majeure” from the first marriage, was previously an actress and model. Now she moves on a wheelchair and suffers from multiple sclerosis. Since in the media appeared information about the fact that Megan is Dating Prince Harry, Samantha began to regularly share data about the alleged “dark past” half-sister.

      Recall that for the first time about the affair actress Meghan Markle and Prince Harry became known in October last year. Apparently, the heir to the British throne is very serious about this: Western journalists wrote about the fact that he’s already introduced her to people. Fans of the star couple look forward to when they legalize their relationship.