Сестра погибшей онкобольной модели: «Она умоляла о смерти» Vitalina Atanasova — girl, whose unusual beauty attracted the attention of photographers. Six years of her life she dedicated to the fight against cancer, but the disease was stronger. To the last breath Vitalina wanted to fight cancer for the sake of five daughters and husband, and could not.
Сестра погибшей онкобольной модели: «Она умоляла о смерти»

The story of the grueling fight promising models with cancer ended in defeat the girls — after six years of daily battles 24-year-old Vitalina afanasova died in hospital of Noyabrsk. All the while she dreamed of only one thing: to prove that cancer is not a death sentence. And I couldn’t. Yesterday her heart stopped.

As reported by the sister of the deceased, before leaving the Mara was literally begging to die. Was not rescued by neither love of life nor the smile of her daughter five years nor reverent attitude of spouse fight with the disease turned out to be them all not under force.

“She wanted to let go of your body. When she shaved, she was offered to become a model because of the bright appearance,” said Christine.
Сестра погибшей онкобольной модели: «Она умоляла о смерти»

Doctors diagnosed Vitalina fourth stage of cancer – soft tissue sarcoma of the peripheral nerves. This spring the disease began to progress, in Saint Petersburg, she conducted several operations, which, alas, has not brought results.

The other morning the girl already knew — long. Family brought her home in Noyabrsk, where several hours later she last said close words of love and died.

“We met when she was already sick. She really wanted to live and see her daughter grow up,” admitted a friend Vitalina.

Despite the terrible diagnosis, the model did not give up. Because multiple chemotherapy, she had to shave my head. Cancer unusual beauty — huge blue eyes and chiseled features drew the attention of many photographers. Vitalina rarely agreed on the photo shoot, but those shots are rare, fall into the Network, is delighted.

“How I want to live, because so much more has been done! Like everyone, I also have my own dreams. My heart breaks from what I can not fulfill. To live in pain is scary! First time in my life afraid of something, afraid of the pain! In front of her I’m weak! It takes me over! One happy that it is a new day and you’re alive, a number of runs daughter and entertains me, so I didn’t cry. Mom feeds, clothes, my husband says I’m beautiful and supports. Every day is a struggle, sometimes even fight with myself not to give up. Don’t know what awaits me next. But I know one thing, every day I will fight with this terrible diagnosis” — shared Vitalina, who till his last breath fought but could not win.
Сестра погибшей онкобольной модели: «Она умоляла о смерти»
Сестра погибшей онкобольной модели: «Она умоляла о смерти»