Сестра Кейт Миддлтон раскрыла секрет своей стройной фигуры
Pippa talked about her diet

Pippa Middleton

Photo: TASS

Recently younger
sister of Duchess of Cambridge revealed the secret of how she manages to stay so
slim. By the way, Pippa is already 32 years old, but her waist is still the same elegant,
what was 10 years ago. However, as admitted the younger Middleton to all the time to stay
in form, she has to put a lot of effort.

The main contribution to
the “thin waist”, as told to Pippa, making, of course, her constant
sports. In addition to the regular daily fitness, sister Kate
constantly exposes himself to more serious training. It systematically
takes part in ski competitions, the marathon… But
Pippa’s main hobby is triathlon. She recently participated in another
the competition, which overcame a 47-kilometer distance!

However, even with
such loads, Pippa is still necessary to take care about the diet. In General, as
Middleton confessed that her main problem is that she has a very good
appetite. Therefore, it is necessary to very carefully watch what she eats.

The main place in the diet of the sisters, Kate is a proteins. As for the carbs, Pippa prefers
to them in the form of lentils, quinoa and sweet potato. And Breakfast allows himself whole-wheat cereals and rye bread. As for sugar and alcohol, their she from
their menu tries to exclude. However, as recognized by Pippa, it is very difficult
to completely abandon your favorite red wine and chocolate. Therefore, the time from
time she allows herself small indulgences at this part — that one does not “break”

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