У певицы Варвары появился козленок необычной окраски
Ethno-singer spoke about a new occupant at her farm.

У певицы Варвары появился козленок необычной окраски

After touring the barbarian definitely going to relax and
to gain strength for 500 miles
from Moscow to the village. In these parts the singer with her husband many years ago, built a house,
located in the woods on the shore of the lake. On the site the owner of the farm grows vegetables,
greens, strawberries, and recently Apple orchard began to bear fruit.

And about two years ago, Barbara was organized in the village
a small farm, the first inhabitants of which were chickens and ducks. In the family of the singer
on the table there is always fresh dairy products — cheese, sour cream and butter
own cooking. And recently, the farm has a new resident: kid’s unusual colouring – grey with black
hooves. The assurance of the former owners kid, his parents white wool
color, and this coloration became for them a big surprise.

У певицы Варвары появился козленок необычной окраски

У певицы Варвары появился козленок необычной окраски

“I love the woods, and we
always a pleasure helping wildlife — hang birdhouses, feed
squirrels and wild boars — says 7days.ru singer Barbara. – Now we have his farm, so
that the stores buy everything at a minimum. But the thing that makes me the village
this incredible burst of energy and inspiration. After spending a few days there, I
filled with energy, I generate new creative plans.”