«Симпсоны» предвидели выступление Леди Гаги

It is time to begin to fear the cartoon series “the Simpsons“, too much of the multipliers anticipated. In 2012 Fox released episode series called “Lisa and Gaga.” In this popular American artist during the performance, flying on the ropes and plays the piano.

«Симпсоны» предвидели выступление Леди Гаги

Those who were lucky enough to see a performance by Lady Gaga during a game of the National football League (NFL) called Supertubos this weekend, can you feel the patter of chills running down the back. It is noteworthy that even the clothes of the singer and her painted heroines are practically the same.

We will remind that in November of 2016, “the Simpsons” predicted the victory of representative of the Republican party of Donald trump in the presidential election episode in 2000. In that episode, Lisa Simpson becomes President of the country after Donald and understands that during the years of his reign, the country was in decline allegedly due to unjustified investment policy. The multipliers themselves, however, were not thrilled that their fantasy was a reality, and therefore said the phrase “being right sucks.”