Пермячка подарила Шнурову его портрет из фанеры

The painting is executed in the pop art style: the leader of the “Leningrad” on it surrounded by women’s legs “louboutins”.

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“Very plywood!” – this was the reaction of members of the group “Leningrad” when I saw the gift from the Permian of the artist – a portrait of Sergei Shnurov. The musicians did not want to offend the author. Just a picture of Masha Ostashov actually made of plywood.

“Picture surround, painted under the influence of a song about louboutins Maria said the website Woman’s Day. — I do love the “Leningrad”. Their work is always vivid, relevant, and no similar. The idea of a portrait long thought: now louboutins pursue you everywhere”.

Masha wanted to give a gift to Sergey Shnurova and see his reaction. “With the concert Director was agreed a month before the event, – explained the artist. — But till the last moment it was not clear whether we will manage to deliver the painting personally. Fortunately, it worked! Came in advance to look before the concert in the dressing room of the artists. There prevailed a very fun, friendly atmosphere. At the picture members of the group reacted positively. I hope that will adorn their wall.”

Meanwhile, the lucky ones who managed to visit Perm concert of “Leningrad”, already sharing in social networks for their enthusiastic comments: “I lost my voice when sang. The evening was a success”, “Sweating, Osip, super!”, “Blew up the hall, Who came here, well the fact is the “Leningrad” show”.

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