Психолог шоу «Перезагрузка»: «Из насилия нельзя делать тайну» The program of the TNT channel supported the campaign #aboussafy. The crew helped the girl to survive the tragedy that ruined her life. Because of such injuries 30-year-old heroine of the show could not build the relations with men.

    Психолог шоу «Перезагрузка»: «Из насилия нельзя делать тайну»

    Appeared recently in the social media flashmob #aboussafy in a short time has gained huge popularity. Thousands of girls affected by violence, were able to speak openly about their experiences. #Aboussafy: bitter memories of women about violence and condemnation in the Network

    Show the “Reset” on TNT supported this subject, and for the first time in the show’s history helped the heroine who survived the terrible tragedy in childhood, to overcome their fears and take the first step to change your life.

    New character of the show “Reboot” Lena 30 years, but she never had serious relations with men. The thing in the terrible trauma she experienced as a child. Lena was subjected to violence from the people closest, but were silent about it for 22 years! On the show “Reboot” the girl first told about the tragedy that ruined her life.

    Психолог шоу «Перезагрузка»: «Из насилия нельзя делать тайну»

    One of the main roles in the “reset” of the heroine was played by the psychologist of the show Viktor Ponomarenko. His experiment, and the conversation helped the girl to overcome her fears and complexes, which she kept deep inside. And “wizards” Alexander Devotchenko, Serdar Kambarov and Yevgeny Zhuk has helped her show to a makeover.

    “Such things have to say! – says the psychologist of the show “Reboot” Viktor Ponomarenko. – Domestic violence in any case cannot do the secret. To help such people – it is our duty. Unbearable and let those be ashamed who carry out this violence. Let them be outcasts, not those who became their victim. Our heroine Lena all over the country told about the problem and those who committed such a crime, immediately after the broadcast shall bear the locomotive of public anger. Well, we have our entire team of the show “Reboot” will try to restore our heroine’s faith in people!”

    How to survive such trauma? Do you need necessarily a psychologist?

    “Rape for any woman severe psychological trauma, close to disaster, – says Viktor Ponomarenko. But particularly dramatic experience, people with fine mental organization, a developed imagination, brought up in strict rules of conduct, educated, as well as those who have a keen sense of justice, this characteristic of a critical mind, moral perfectionism. Exacerbate the effects of young age and male traits – the tendency to lead, to compete, to demonstrate the strength. It is important to understand that sexual violence in their influence on the future life of the victim with comparable injury of the brain. And to help the victim needs to come not even a psychologist and a relationship healthy, and the doctor-the therapist”.

    If women believe men?

    “The return of faith in men is one of the most important goals of therapy in the case of rape – continues Viktor Ponomarenko. At the same time, this means of treatment. Woman during a difficult resuscitation is necessary to rely on is definitely honest, compassionate and emotionally pleasing her man. For example, a physician, a psychologist, a relative, a friend. Joint efforts, gently but firmly, she needs to convince us that men hate and despise rapists, a rapist in their eyes – freak, unworthy of his sex.”

    Why society considers some women who have been abused, marginalized or notes that “she is guilty”?

    “Sometimes triggered archaic setting: hundreds of years, girls were raped neighbors and friends, newcomers, strangers, random people, vagrants, runaway or dismissed the soldiers, the robbers, most of whom were infected with venereal diseases, – says Viktor Ponomarenko. After this woman was considered “damaged”, not so much the moral aspect, but because of the inability to bear children. For the peasant community, it was like death. That’s why the victim is often the villagers were subjected to shame and questioning: “Where and with whom you were walking?! Why one, without girlfriends and men of defence?” And it was not idle curiosity. Today on the guilt of women who are raped usually insist those who don’t want to take responsibility for their protection and rehabilitation.


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