Презентация песни Дианы Шурыгиной закончилась дракой Today in the capital’s restaurant “Gladiator” is a modular concert of stars of our platform. Among the guests and speakers Pierre Narcisse, Alice, Mont, Alexander Peskov, Evgeny Osin, Igor nadzhiev, Andrey Aleksin and many others. Diana Shurygina also had the honor to perform on the same stage with famous artists, but the Prime Minister over the scandal.

Diana with her husband Andrei Slanina and partner Sasha Act came to the school for a couple of hours before the event to conduct a sound check. If Sasha already has musical experience (in the past it was known as DJ Rain with his signature song “Why”), Diana first came to the Studio a couple months ago.

“We recorded three songs that were later posted on the Internet, – has shared with “StarHit” Shurygina before the event. – Today will be my debut. Honestly, we were not prepared at all, recorded the song in the Studio in less than an hour. Probably the more training, the more excitement. And today, before the actual execution, no excitement, impatience: as soon as possible would have to speak.”

Separately, Diana spoke about his partner in the scene. “Sasha, we have never quarrel, said the girl, – he is not the first on the scene, knows all the nuances, tells me, if that.”

“I worry for the Duo, adds the husband of Shurygino. – Not jealous?.. Sasha is not my opponent, we managed to make friends”.

Specify that the first time the performance of Diana was held in November last year – on the birthday of its producer Diana Bocharovoj. But then the cards mixed up blogger Dmitry Thorin, who showed up at the celebration with live sheep and frightened the girl.

The second time Shurygina planned to sing at the wedding of Gauguin Solntsev – April 13. The showman and his old wife celebrated the event directly on the set of the TV project “Dom-2”. However, at the last moment the producers of the reality show have banned the newly minted singer to go on stage.

Diana Shurygina forbade singing in the “House-2”

Third, today’s attempt also proved unsuccessful. Someone from friends already mentioned Dmitry Thorin threw in the chicken scene in the beginning with the participation of Diana and Alexander. The guy immediately attacked, and a scuffle ensued. Man tied up, but he was able to escape before the police arrived.

“Some people, I didn’t even recognize him, he threw the chicken during our performance, explained the situation immediately after the incident Diana Shurygina. – It is certainly not funny. It is a sick man and I pity him. Not need to call the police and an ambulance, because the poor and the sick must help. It is required to send to the asylum, by these actions he is doing worse than just yourself. It’s not normal!”