Папарацци заподозрили беременность у странно одетой Меган Маркл
New photos and videos taken by the paparazzi, the Duchess Meghan Markle looks a bit strange. Let everything in order.

Папарацци заподозрили беременность у странно одетой Меган Маркл

Let me remind you that two days ago, Megan had a birthday party. The Duchess of Sussex was 37.

This day she spent with family and friends, and at the wedding of friends Charlie van Straubenzee and Daisy Jenks.

Папарацци заподозрили беременность у странно одетой Меган Маркл

I wonder what the paparazzi made a video where notable gravestones. Apparently the wedding took place in a historical place.

Oh, and most importantly – it looks Markle.

Unlike other guests who came in colorful dresses – Megan was dressed in black set only “patches” of white.

This suggests that or Megan is pregnant, or she was uncomfortable to dance and to look bright in the cemetery, or on the edge, the Duchess thus mourned leaving.