Организаторы «Евровидения» будут защитить право России на участие в конкурсе

The European broadcasting Union (EBU), which owns the rights to the song contest Eurovision, decided to prove to the world that the competition is far from politics. The head of the organizing Committee of the organization of the Frank-Dieter Freiling said in an interview with Der Tagesspiegel that he would personally see to it that the representative of Russia took part.

Freiling reported that initially hinted that he expects the performances of all of the countries stated in the competition.
“If the representative of Russia will continue to interfere in the speech, the EMU will intervene and will do its utmost to ensure the participation of representative of the Federation in the country,” said Frayling.
We will remind that earlier Ukraine banned entry to the territory of his country the representative of Russia Yulia Samoilova. The reason for this was the performance of girls with a disability in the annexed Crimea in 2015. The organizers did not expect such a step from the host, the competition side, although due to the political situation and said he will accept any decision of Kiev, the EBU remained dissatisfied.
Wishing to bypass the Directive of Ukraine, the organizers offered Samoilova to participate in the contest remotely in this Ukrainian MPs accused them of dishonesty, and Russia formally rejected the proposal.
Frayling can’t say yet, will Russia to set a new contestant, everyone is expecting the final decision of Ukraine and are waiting for review of the decision, the Russian public is asked to ignore this competition and not to humiliate themselves by participation in it.