На Настасью Самбурскую набросились с кулаками The actress barely managed to hide in the closet. Nastasya Samburski tried to reveal the truth to the audience at one of the cafes in Nizhny Novgorod. Apparently, the leadership did not like the visit of a film crew.

In mid-November of last year it became known that the actress Nastassja Samburski will now appear in the role of leading the program “Revizorro”, replacing in this position Lena Volatile. Now the star of TV series “Univer” will travel to different cities and to identify disturbances in eating places. Recently, she along with the crew went to Nizhny Novgorod to test how faithfully the owners comply with all rules.

However, only once they start work, the time and the whole team was received so cordially the leadership of the cafe they were attacked with fists. Initially, the enemy tried to scare them with obscenities and threats, and then moved to action – hit one of the team members in person. Leading decided not to risk the health and perhaps even life, and took refuge in the utility room. Thus, the actress was saved from aggressive behavior of the attacker.

“I did not expect the conflict, thought it might happen in other circumstances, but not when we are acting within the law. When checking cafe striker clearly felt their impunity, and all began to beat. At that moment I thought that I would leave, unless beat me,” admitted Samburski. But, fortunately, not touched”.

As a result, in the cafe “Neptune” suffered sound engineer, administrator and operators. The representative of the channel “Friday!” Natalia Abramochkin stressed that they are trying not only to cover what is usually hidden from prying eyes, but because not all are loyal to him. “We decided to make the new format “Revizorro” more social. Our goal is not just to show but to help our viewers. Ideally bad at all restaurants should be closed”, – said the Director of the program.

Before that Nastasia worked in the project “General cleaning”. The Director General of the TV channel decided that the actress’s time to leave the dusty apartment and go to the next level – check out places catering. Premiere of the project “Revizorro” with Nastassja Samburski will be held on January 30 at 19:00 on TV channel “Friday!”.