Именем Веры Глаголевой назвали кинонаграду
New cynopsis trusted to give the daughter of the actress.

Именем Веры Глаголевой назвали кинонаграду

Julia Melnikova and Maria nahapetova

Photo: Sergei Ivanov

Именем Веры Глаголевой назвали кинонаграду

Yanina Sokolovskaya with cocoi

Photo: Sergei Ivanov

The prize, which was given the name of the actress and Director Vera Glagoleva, was the most touching moment of the celebration of the 29th birthday of the Guild of actors of Russia. The ceremony traditionally was held in the cinema House.

The winner of the prize was the actress Julia Melnikova, who starred at Glagoleva in her picture “One war”: her talent Faith was highly valued.

Alexander Yatsenko and Roman Curtin

Photo: Sergei Ivanov

The right to transfer the award into the hands of the winner trusted middle daughter Glagoleva — Maria Nahapetova.