Тайну прошлого Кати Лель открыли карты Таро The famous singer was amazed by the accuracy of divination. Katya LEL has admitted that her life really had a relationship that brought her a lot of frustration. Star still recalls with horror about this novel.

      Тайну прошлого Кати Лель открыли карты Таро

      Katya LEL’s career goes uphill. At concerts the singer of hits “Jaga-Jaga” and “Musi-pusi” Apple nowhere to fall. Beloved husband supports her in everything, and daughter is pleased with the progress. However, it was in the singer’s life not always. The experts show “the invisible Man” managed to find out what events played in the fate of the star a fatal role. Viewers of the programme, it became clear that outside smiling Catherine skillfully hides complicated.

      Interestingly, the palmist Boris Akimov, sorting out the lines on the graceful hand of the singer, saw the last of the heroine’s love affair, which turned into a tragedy. After this, in the heart of the LEL left deep scars that still hurt. And hereditary fortuneteller Aida Tarot cards revealed with Katya LEL a married man. According to the fortune first gave the singer a helping hand, and then almost destroyed her. “The fact that our heroine was not wish to the enemy!”, – said Aida.

      “Yes, it was my producer!”, – admitted shocked the singer leading the show, Evelina Bledans. It turns out that Lell wanted to get married and give birth to the man child. But beloved was not going to change my life because it was convenient to have a mistress and legal wife. When Kate decided to end this relationship, the producer declared it a war.

      “As much as eleven years have passed since my MegaSpace with “Jagoi-jagoi” and the last solo of the concert. All this time I was actually trying to destroy, – said Katya LEL in one of his conversations with journalists. – I just took and withdrew from radio and TV channels, I fully pulled the plug”.

      The life of a star turned into a series of scandals and lawsuits. LEL were actually at war with his producer and former partner for four long years. In the end, she managed to win the court. However, misfortune did not end there.

      What other secrets of the singer revealed the experts show “the invisible Man”, can be seen today at 19.00 on channel TV-3.

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