Мать Линдси Лохан рада, что дочь рассталась с Тарабасовым

Dina Lohan, the mother of Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan, who a few months ago, I was in awe of the Russian fiancé of his daughter Yegor Tarabarova and crumbled him in compliments, happy now that the young man disappeared from their lives.

In an interview with E! Dean spoke about the relief felt when I heard that Lindsay is no longer waiting for the return of the bridegroom.
“I can say that I’m very happy now. Finally I can sleep at night. I think Egor was simply too young for a serious relationship, and because they have not worked. Everything is broken, when came to blows. I also was once a victim of domestic violence, and because I was very hard to see how tormented my daughter. I never could even imagine that Lindsey, my strong and brave girl to endure such treatment. Luckily riding right now she’s fine, she’s happy and ended with his unsuccessful romance. I wish Egor all the best and hope that he still decide to ask the help of experts. He is a good man, he just needs help,” said Dean.
Mother Lindsay said that her daughter is ready to find someone else to play with, dreams of marriage and children.
“She is already thirty. She wants to settle down, get married, have children. She was ready for it,” said mother.