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About the love life of canadian singer, Drake soon to be legends. In the list “wins” by Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez and many other famous and not so famous names. It was decided to use model Layla Leis, declared publicly (as is now usual, using a page in the social network) about her pregnancy.

Drake, taken aback by such a sudden draw prospects, publicly denied the information, but Layla insisted that they had a short relationship and that she allegedly received an invitation from the stars to accompany him during performances in London. It was there, according to the woman, it happened. In proof of miss Leys had published the correspondence in which it agrees with singer about the meeting.
But the command of Drake for the years of its popularity and not seen. Lawyers of the singer contacted the “pregnant” and said that if she’s in the next few minutes will not remove posts about her pregnancy from Drake, discrediting his honor and dignity, it will go to trial. Layla listened and forgot about the “father of your baby”, which, as it turned out, never met.