СМИ узнали грязные подробности нового романа Бена Аффлека
It turned out the real reason of the divorce of the actor with his wife.

Ben Affleck


Yesterday overseas
edition of Us Weekly published the scandalous information: as it turned out,
Ben Affleck cheated on his wife not only with the nanny of their children. According to
the information appeared has two years of Dating another woman. More
that this novel became the true reason of divorce of star pair.

When a reporter
Vanity Fair tried took last year to interview Jennifer
Garner, she was surprised by all the unexpected recognition: “We broke up a few
months before I found out about the affair with the nanny. So it has nothing to do with my
the decision to divorce Ben.” Then almost nobody understood what it meant. Now everything is cleared up: according to an informant to Us Weekly, the reason for the collapse of his marriage was the Affleck affair with producer
Lindsay Suckas!

Ben and Lindsey meet, became known only recently, when they first
not hiding from reporters out in the world together. Aflleck arranged for Suckas
a romantic dinner at a trendy Hollywood restaurant Giorgio Baldi, where they just could not see because
this beloved by many celebrities, the place is always staffed by paparazzi. And after
that there were witnesses who told that the pair have appeared together before — not only in America, but in Britain, where they made a trip some time
ago. In London they were seen together in the theater, but also in the Indian restaurant Gymkhana.

First of all
thought Ben and Lindsay started Dating recently 2-3 months ago. However,
as the informant told Us Weekly, Affleck and Chukas known each other for over 4 years, and their
the affair began at least in the beginning of 2015, that is when Ben and Jennifer still
it was considered a friendly family couple. Moreover, the time and Shukas was not free
she was was married to producer Kevin Miller. And when they both cheated
spouse — Gardner, and Miller found the affair of Ben and Lindsay, it
led to the collapse of two marriages!

How will
the relationship of Affleck and Chucas on, time will tell. Anyway,
it is now clear that hopes for a reconciliation between Ben and Jennifer, which
dreamed of fans of the pair, resolutely not.