Лукерья Ильяшенко отказалась от лишней воды
Stars gathered at the presentation of a unique collection.

Лукерья Ильяшенко отказалась от лишней воды

The Lukeria Ilyashenko

28 Sep
2017 famous musician Vadim Eilenkrig has introduced its new collection “No
excess water,” which became the revival of the legendary Union of Bourbon and jazz. This pair
historically walked hand in hand and inspired jazz into a composition Wild
Turkey Fire, which masterfully combined tradition and improvisation. New
are able to evaluate Anton Lavrentiev, lukeria Ilyashenko, Katya Dobryakova, Evgenia linovich, Agniya Kuznetsova, Masha Tsigal, Valeria Gai Germanika, Ivan Nikolaev and
other guests of the presentation.

This principle — no excess water — is not
only the philosophy but also the production of the legendary Bourbon. The secret of his
rich taste and aroma that the distillation is carried out at a lower
volume concentration of alcohol. A glass of alcohol in combination with music from the new
album of the leading Russian jazz will allow no excess water and to fully
to reveal the many facets of the Union of jazz and Bourbon, now 100 years walking

Vadim Eilenkrig