Лидер группы Rammstein заявил, что стал жертвой пропаганды

Recently, the network spread a message, which said that 53-year-old frontman of the band Rammstein to the Till Lindemann has taken the unusual gift. The musician received a gift exclusive and expensive gadget-encrusted gold model of the Caviar Supremo Putin Tre Volte Russian brand Caviar, on which is engraved the image of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Gift thill was glad. It seemed nothing unusual in the news there, that’s just to the Lindemann didn’t like it. And all because, in the words of the soloist of group “Putin’s propaganda”, in which he was involved.

The fact that your gift till considered being dressed in a t-shirt as well with the image of Putin.

Today, Lindemann denied the authenticity of the picture, which shows him in a t-shirt with the image of the President of Russia. The singer had refused any statements ascribed to him in the Russian media, writes Bild.

“I became a victim of Putin’s propaganda,” quoted the publication of the words Tilla.

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