Брошенная жена Евгения Цыганова нуждается в деньгах

While Yevgeny Tsyganov and Julia Snigir are enjoying their happiness, the former common-law wife of the artist Irina Leonova, who bore him seven children, in need of money.

Брошенная жена Евгения Цыганова нуждается в деньгах

According to colleagues of Irina at the Maly theatre, the actress almost immediately after the birth of their seventh baby went to work. Here she plays Regano in the play “King Lear”. Day and night she spends in rehearsals, earning a pittance. Artists regret Leonov – she hardly sees my children and newborn baby, but is forced humpback for mere pennies to make ends meet.

“Ira plunged into the work. Works here from morning until late at night. Money, though small, but gets. Of course, Tsyganov she somehow helps, but he’s not an oligarch..” — they say in the theatre.

Leonov itself with reporters about his relationship with the father of her children prefer not to tell. Meanwhile reporters found that besides a large number of children in Eugene and there are debts. So, according to information from the Federal service of court bailiffs, Tsyganov needs the state more than 16 thousand rubles, and not in a hurry to repay the state.

Recall that the new passion of the actor Julia Snigir, who bore him a son Theodore less than a month ago, has already come into shape, and even appeared at the ceremony film awards.

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