Дом сестер Зайцевых в США серьезно пострадал во время урагана The singer faced difficulties that caused element. The roof and Windows of the Villa stars in Tampa was seriously damaged because of the hurricane. Tatiana Zaytseva thanked God that she and her husband received injuries.
Дом сестер Зайцевых в США серьезно пострадал во время урагана

In mid-September on America hurricane “Irma”. Unexpected natural disaster has damaged hundreds of homes, left homeless dozens of people. Among the victims were Russian singer Tatiana and Elena Zaitsev. They said that now they have to spend on repairs of the mansion.

“The hurricane caused enormous damage to our Villa in Tampa, Florida – says the “StarHit” Tatiana. – He has damaged the roof, broke the Windows. Around the house have grown tall trees, so the tornado they tumbled down and scattered.

I thank God that he saves us with her husband, and he didn’t get hurt. Tornado in movies and in life’s situations. No one wants what we endured…the fear of people running and screaming. They were looking for a place where you can quickly hide from the elements. Some citizens, the police forcibly removed from the buildings in handcuffs. The guards were afraid that all the buildings will collapse. We argue with them did not. Went with Nick to the airport, where they took tickets to Atlanta. There lives the daughter of his wife, who kindly took us in for the time of the tragedy.”
Дом сестер Зайцевых в США серьезно пострадал во время урагана

After the tornado died down, Tatiana’s husband hurried back to the Villa to assess caused by the disaster damage. “While my husband and the exact amount of damage can not name. Still works insurance services. The thought that destruction is estimated at a million rubles. The government has promised to assume all costs. I flew back to Tampa, a lot of touring and photo shoots. But Nick says that is very badly damaged the first floor, because he was made of glass. Hopefully we can all put in order. Because for me, this is the beloved home, where we always want to go back!”

Дом сестер Зайцевых в США серьезно пострадал во время урагана