Бывшая жена Андрея Гайдуляна стремительно сбросила вес после развода
In recent times the Network users are actively discussing the breakup of the famous actor Andrei Giulana and Diana Ochilboy.

Бывшая жена Андрея Гайдуляна стремительно сбросила вес после развода

The ex-wife refused to comment on his divorce, but officially confirmed the breakup. In recent months, Diana rapidly dropped in weight, something he decided to share with subscribers.

Бывшая жена Андрея Гайдуляна стремительно сбросила вес после развода

“I tortured myself for over 5 years with diet, exercise stress and constant carbohydrate breakdown. The results were negligible. Like all at once, and most importantly, that the result was instantaneous. How many tears, and only one question: “Where is she, the well-known willpower, about which so much talk?” I have not once tried to bribe, persuade, motivate: “Come together – together easier. And entreaties of her husband, and it was very painful. After all, first and foremost, I wanted to lose weight for him!” – said the girl.

According to Diana, the weight loss contributed to family problems, she never once hinted at the fact that her husband cheated on her.

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