Бывший король Малайзии отказался от ребенка Оксаны Воеводиной

Бывший король Малайзии отказался от ребенка Оксаны Воеводиной

The life of a 27-year-old model Oksana Vojvodina is reminiscent of Seinfeld. Her proceedings with the former spouse gaining momentum. The former king of Malaysia Muhammad V finally got in touch and offered a deal for 250 thousand dollars. He does not want to have this baby and offers to make the boy trust Fund. This Fund will amount to 16 million rubles. But perform the ex-king of his promise, but only if the child will devote to Islam and will educate according to religious education.

Also in the contract spelled out the conditions for mom baby, model Oksana Vojvodina. If she agrees to this step, you will be obliged to cease to conduct any social network, post pictures online boy and her ex-husband. Also, the former king promised to pay the girl 100 thousand dollars as compensation for time spent away from her and the baby.

Itself Oksana completely disagree with the deal, she continues to stand on his own and requires investigation. Muhammad V refused to recognize the boy, his son to do a paternity test also is not going. But Vojvodina insists on a DNA test because he wants to prove to the former spouse that he was mistaken in large.

It is worth mentioning that the former king had divorced model according to Muslim tradition, according to the laws of Russia the pair is still married. That is why Oksana is trying through the courts to put pressure on her husband and to maintain her son’s right to the throne of Malaysia.

Why the former king refuses to do a DNA test and does not even want to look at the baby, still remains a mystery. But Oksana is going to fight to win.

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