Бывшая избранница Вадима Казаченко боится за жизнь родных после угроз артиста Vadim Kozachenko and Olga still can’t put a point in the relationship. The mother of a child actor filed a lawsuit in order to conduct a medical examination.
Бывшая избранница Вадима Казаченко боится за жизнь родных после угроз артиста

Last week Olga Kazachenko made a loud statement – she suspects that the father of her child, the star of the 90s Vadim Kazachenko, needs medical examination. The reason is not quite adequate behavior of the actor. So, for example, recently the musician spat in the face of Andrei Kovalev, who tried to defend the mother of his heir. Vadim Kazachenko has arranged fight live

According to the failed mother-in-law of the artist, 54-year-old singer intentionally trying to provoke aggression from the opponent. Natalia Martynov believes that in this way he hoped to enrich themselves at the expense of the scandal.

“Provoke not the poor man, and then to roll out the lawsuit for several million,” – expressed their assumptions of a woman.
Бывшая избранница Вадима Казаченко боится за жизнь родных после угроз артиста

Martynov has also tried to protect her daughter from charges of Vadim Kazachenko, which assures that house in the suburbs was bought with the money Irina Amanti. According to him, the producer gave large amounts to the musician, so he had the opportunity to acquire property. However, her mother Olga completely different information.

“My daughter managed to sell our apartment and buy a house. This person is not claimed then. And at the beginning of the story, I expressed concerns, but it was not charged. And, it turned out that at this time, behind my back, he applied to the court for recognition of the marriage is a sham. Irina Amanti was a witness. The only witness all this here. Now I think that it was a well planned Scam. Now, Amanti says that her rights have been violated, that she gave money for this house – said Martynov during the talk show “Let them talk”. – Olga persuaded me, went against whole family and was forced to sell the apartment”.

Now the family Martynovs seriously fears for their lives because recently Vadim Kazachenko allowed myself to threaten relatives of former lady, which is currently the divorce process. Mother Olga also said that in the event of any incident it will be considered guilty of the artist. Ex-fiancee Vadim Kazachenko has filed a claim of incapacity