Режиссер фильма «Богемская рапсодия» подозревается в страшном преступлении
The Director of one of the major films nominated for the future award “Oscar” Bryan singer accused of raping underage boys.

Режиссер фильма «Богемская рапсодия» подозревается в страшном преступлении

Almost immediately after “Bohemian Rhapsody” was included at once in five nominations for “Oscar”, including in the category “Best film”, the Director of the film, the 53-year-old Bryan singer was struck by a terrible accusation. Four men admitted that they had been abused by singer in 90-e years – the youngest of the Complainants at that time was 13 years old. Three boys, the Director allegedly seduced during a party in his mansion, the other was abused during the filming of the movie.

Режиссер фильма «Богемская рапсодия» подозревается в страшном преступлении

Singer has already said that all the accusations are false and people are just trying to cash in on the success of his paintings. Whatever it was, in fact, a stellar Director, it seems, will understand a consequence.

Режиссер фильма «Богемская рапсодия» подозревается в страшном преступлении

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