Отец хоккеиста из сериала «Молодежка» борется с раком Men want expensive treatment. Vadim Bloodless turned to his friends and subscribers in social networks for help. His dad found a tumor of the intestine of the fourth stage.

      Hockey player of the series “Junior” Vadim Bloodless turned to his friends asking for help. As it turned out, his dad was diagnosed with fourth stage of cancer of the intestine. Now 56-year-old man is in the clinic under the supervision of specialists. Hockey player urgently seeking funds for expensive treatment to help their parent.

      “Initially, we never imagined that the father may be cancer. The first leg had a clot and we went to the hospital to find out why. The results of the tests showed that the body is a tumor and then was diagnosed with cancer of the intestine of the fourth stage. So the treatment cannot be delayed. We now put the stand to provide a normal digestive system. Doctors claim that to do surgery is not necessary – only chemotherapy”, – told the “StarHit” Bloodless.

      According to the player, to treat the man expect in Moscow, but the drugs will use foreign from America and Switzerland. Now the whole family worried about the health of the athlete’s father and tries to always be there to support him in such a difficult time of life. Relatives have already spent on the treatment of about 100 thousand rubles. Hockey player does not know the exact amount that they will need for medicine and care of the father.

      “I read the reviews of those who have been treated with these drugs – 60% of the people coped with illness. Now we don’t know exactly how much money you will need for treatment, presumably 60 thousand rubles for a single course. The doctors the doctors decide what drugs are best to treat to treat tumours. Before immediately had surgery, and now has a chance to overcome the disease without surgical intervention. Now the guys from the hockey team help, transfer money to the extent possible. Card number – 5469 3800 1404 5529” – said Bloodless.

      Do not stay aside and the actors of the series “Junior”, which encouraged their fans to help save the father of Vadim. They were placed in their accounts of social networks calls for help. Bloodless is very grateful for the fact that they were not indifferent to the woes of the athlete and try to do something to save his loved one.